Welcome friends.

Food & Toys Inc. is an organization dedicated to provide life essentials such as Food, Clothing and toys to low-income children and their families in Venezuela.


It all begins with a generous heart.

In recent years, food outages are one of the biggest problems in Venezuela. The economic crisis has left many citizens without essential food items. This has caused an increase in malnutrition in the country. According to a 2016 study , 93 percent of Venezuelans did not have enough money to purchase food and only have less than two meals per day. .

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What we do.

We send and distribute food items to the most remote and vulnerable areas in Venezuela. We organize, Pack and transport all donated items. Along with Food, we send and distribute toys for children in Venezuela. These toys elevate their moods and spirit in an already difficult life.  In order to further help the Venezuelan people, we add gently used clothing to our care packages.

​​​​​​​Please connect with us on Social Media to see and learn more. 


How can you help?

This is a movement of many. Ways to help:

  1. Make a purchase

    100% of the proceeds from coffee sales at Organic Farms Vitamins and 10% of any purchase made through Mundo Natural goes directly towards helping us feed thousands of children and their families in Latin America.

  2. Make a Monetary Donation

    Your contributions will help us purchase Food and Hygiene necessities for the families in need.

    Whether you’re most comfortable contributing unused items, money to help us achieve goals, or purchasing coffee, we need your help for more progress and impact.

Follow our journey.